• Last Will and Testament
  • Durable Power of Attorney
  • Advance Health Care Directive (“Living Will”)

The best time to plan for what will happen to your property and assets, who will take care of your financial personal concerns in the event of your illness or disability, and end of life medical care is when you are well and can make clear, carefully thought-out decisions.    A Last Will and Testament, Durable Power of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directive (“Living Will”) are essential tools to build a personal plan.   These documents are your opportunity to express your wishes and desires for use at a future time when you may not be able to do so.   A current Last Will and Testament, Durable Power of Attorney and Living Will are essential documents for each of us to have, regardless of age and economic circumstances.

We can help you to avoid the potentially catastrophic and tragic circumstances of becoming seriously ill or passing away without the appropriate written directives.  Please contact us to schedule an appointment to prepare any or all of these important personal planning documents.